The Trusted Roofing Team For West Central Indiana

Where the beard is good, but the roofs are better.

Red Beard Roofing: Your Local Roofing Team

Welcome to Red Beard Roofing, where we’ve been shielding Indiana homes and businesses from its famously fickle weather with everything from commercial and residential roofing to gutters, siding, and more! Our team is ready to safeguard your home against even the most whimsical weather, ensuring it stays snug, secure, and stylish come rain, shine, or the notorious midwest tornado tango. Ready to discover the Red Beard difference? Contact us today for your free inspection!

NCI certified Greencastle and Danville
owens corning preferred contractor
local roofing team Greencastle and Danville
owens corning preferred contractor
NCI certified Greencastle and Danville

Why Customers Choose Red Beard Roofing for Their Roofing Needs

A Local Greencastle and Danville Roofing Contractor

Your neighborhood experts are here to protect your home with top-notch roofing solutions. Trust in our local presence for friendly, professional service tailored to Greencastle’s unique needs.

Limited Lifetime Warranties

Invest with complete confidence knowing that our roofing services come with limited lifetime warranties. We take great pride in our reputation for excellent workmanship, ensuring complete peace of mind for years to come.

Storm Damage Restoration Specialists

As experts in storm damage restoration, we’re ready to restore your roof’s integrity and appearance quickly and effectively after any weather event. Our team provides personalized care every step of the way.


Our roofing services go beyond mere installations, maintenance, and repairs—we actively focus on customer service and contribute to local communities, fostering a sense of unity and cooperative spirit.

Referral Program Available

Enjoy rewards while helping friends and neighbors. Our referral program benefits both you the customer and those you refer for the purchase of our roofing services, strengthening community ties.

Affordable Financing Options

We believe in making quality roofing accessible to all. Ask us about our flexible project financing options designed to fit projects with a variety of budgets without compromising on service.




1. Contact

Ring us up or shoot us an email, and you’ve officially taken the first step! It’s as simple as saying hello to open the doorway to a brand new roof.

2. Inspection

Next up, we’ll have one of our professional contractors pop over for a detailed inspection of your roof. Don’t worry, we come equipped with eagle eyes and state-of-the-art tools to spot and repair even the sneakiest issues that might be lurking above.

3. Planning

With the inspection complete, we move on to the planning phase. Here, we collaborate closely with you to devise a tailored roofing solution that meets your expectations and fits within your budget, whether that be for your home or your business.

4. Installation

Next, our skilled roofing professionals take the reins, employing cutting-edge techniques and high-quality materials to bring every detail of our meticulously planned roofing project to life. We prioritize efficiency and precision, taking great care and detail at every step of construction, and ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

5. Commitment

Beyond installation, our commitment to you continues. We stand by our quality work, with robust warranties and ongoing support services, guaranteeing your new roof brings lasting value and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a question we hear often, and the answer can vary depending on several factors. Generally, if your roof is over 20 years old, it might be time to consider a replacement. Other signs include shingles that are curling, missing, or visibly worn, alongside leaks or daylight peeking through your attic. Remember, Indiana’s weather can be tough on roofs, so it’s always good to have a professional assess and repair your roof’s condition.
Damaged gutters can lead to a variety of issues and concerns for Indiana homeowners. If water isn’t being properly diverted away from your home, it can lead to foundation damage, landscaping erosion concerns, and even interior water damage. We advise inspecting your gutters, especially after harsh or inclement weather, and reaching out if you notice any signs of damage. Keeping those gutters in good shape is crucial to protecting your home!
We cannot stress enough the importance of proper roof installation, no matter what roofing material you choose. It’s not just about laying shingles; it involves making sure your home is protected against whatever Indiana’s climate decides to throw our way. A properly installed roof ensures your home remains dry, ventilated, and energy-efficient. Plus, correct installation is crucial to validate most warranties. Always work with certified professionals who understand the local codes and regulations to ensure your roof is up to the task.

5 Star Customer Reviews

5 star customer reviews Greencastle and Danville
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